TGIF – Book Lovers

Tomorrow, November 7 is ‘Book Lovers Day’ and it turns out there are a lot more of us since March this year. While we have embraced all manner of new technologies and learned how to do most things virtually, we have dug in our heels in support of that ergonomic experience of reading hard copies! Costco recently ran a poll through its members to find that 51% of members preferred to read hard copies, with 20% liking a combination of E-books, audio books and paper, 24% were E-book fans & 5% favored audio books.

The pandemic has of course increased screen time for most of us – both for work and pleasure, so it’s easy to see how turning the pages of a real book would prove a different distraction. One Cosco member commented that nothing beats the weight of a book in your hands – a sentiment obviously well shared. Our Canadian writers need our support and will be grateful that we are still purchasing hard copies of their books. And…reading is a stress buster! One study from the University of Sussex found that reading for just 6 minutes each day can help reduce stress by up to 68%!

Statistics don’t lie, but they don’t tell the whole story any more than that they apply to the future as well as the past. When we read that the Vancouver Real Estate Board saw their highest October sales total on record compared to any past October, we make assumptions. Like:- these amazing sales occurred across the lower mainland, that they applied equally to different categories of housing and that they indicated what we could expect in November. WRONG – suburban traditional detached homes with gardens were the big winners, while suburban condos saw a slow down after being a hot commodity in preceding months. Condo prices will have to adjust to compete in a somewhat flooded market. Statistics can vary in a big way from one neighborhood pocket to another – it is essential to look at the close relevant sales in order to have a handle on the current market where you live. This is where we professional realtors come on the scene – the invaluable combination of very local stats and the anecdotal details coming from busy boots on the ground. We are happy to discuss your home in terms that are pertinent and timely – always with your best interests paramount.

We remain an essential service and, as Covid-19 cases increase, we are well used to safety protocols, meeting virtually as well as in person, masked & physically distanced. If you are selling, we protect your home and family with a limited number of people at any time in your home plus additional time in between to re-sanitise and ensure no one touches anything inside. We have similar protections for our buyers. Our team members all quickly learned to successfully adapt to 2020 circumstances while still doing the professional job you have a right to expect. This too shall pass…but when?

We remain your Generations Real Estate Partners keeping you covered in that long tradition of trust and caring. Stay kind, calm, safe and stress free – book in hand!

Michelle Hawthorne, Scott Johnson, Sheila Francis, Ray Harris and Shane Goutsis.